Visit on your desktop (suggested method) or in your mobile device's browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.). We do not permit adding a business through the Hungry for the Culture mobile app.

We recommend using the following browsers on desktops/computers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari

If you do not have an account with Hungry for the Culture, you are required to create one before creating a listing. If you have an account, please sign in before proceeding with the next steps.

We recommend gathering all proper product information, quality HD photos, and any additional details you'd like to include.


1. Visit your Hungry for the Culture dashboard 

2. On the left side of your screen locate then click the "Products Dashboard" option. You are now visiting a different dashboard.

3. Select "Products" on the left side of your screen. Then click the purple "Add new product" button located in the top right corner. 

4. Complete the fields provided with the information we asked you to gather earlier. When you are finished, you can continue to additional editing fields by clicking the gray "Create product" button. Alternatively, you can begin creating another product by clicking the purple "Create & add new" button. 

5. Once you've created your product it will be submitted to Hungry for the Culture for approval. While your product is pending review, you can input additional information on the "Edit Product" page.

Note: Allow us 2-5 business days to review the details and approve or decline your product. You will receive email confirmation in the status and a notification in your dashboard.