Listing FAQs

How do I claim a listing?
Note: All listing edits must be performed on a computer or desktop device. You cannot edit a listing in the mobile app and we highly advise against editing ...
Sun, 1 Nov, 2020 at 9:10 AM
What happens when I edit my listing?
When a listing is in "Editing" mode, it is immediately removed from the website and mobile app, thus not viewable to users. You must complete your...
Sun, 1 Nov, 2020 at 9:10 AM
How long is the listing review process?
Please allow Hungry for the Culture 2-5 business days to review listing submissions. Once the listing status has changed, you will receive an email notifica...
Sun, 1 Nov, 2020 at 9:10 AM
Why can't I hide or delete a review?
Reviews are feedback. Whether positive, critical, or somewhere in the middle, that feedback can help you learn more about your customers and make changes to...
Sun, 1 Nov, 2020 at 9:11 AM
When can I withdraw payments from orders?
If your product has been approved and published on Hungry for the Culture, you must reach the $20 earnings threshold to request a withdrawal.  Click her...
Sun, 1 Nov, 2020 at 9:11 AM